
Training Programs

The Training Program that we have created combines a cultural and methodological training, which is a prerogative of the traditional education method, with a strong practical preparation attitude.

This approach led to a peculiar training structured divided into three models:

DISCOVERY: a 6 days training program on a weekly basis (usually on Saturday)
FOCUS: a part-time “vertical” training on a single subject
MASTER: an intensive knowledge training program with three different addresses

DISCOVERY and FOCUS are models based on the direct applicability of the gained training in a specific context, while the MASTER model resembles the full academic track dedicated to the future “Franchisor, “Franchise Manager” and “International Franchise Consultant” expert.

Pursued training aims

training program Knowhow Franchising Academy DiscoveryDISCOVERY
To give a general knowledge leading to the understanding of the franchising systems and to use this acquired knowledge in generalistic situations.

training program Knowhow Franchising Academy FocusFOCUS
To give knowledge, skills, and capability to operate in a well-defined area and on specific subjects like, for example, how to choose a franchise.

To ensure an appropriate mastery of methods and specific contents, to develop a full range of interdisciplinary skills and to acquire the related “know-how” that a specialist requires to.

Training program: a quick glance to your future

training program Knowhow Franchising - discovery


The main target of the training program “Discovery” is to allow the acquisition of well-founded generalistic contents, first to give a correct comprehension of the franchising system and a first application to the working context. Side by side with the classical learning we will promote and enhance the acquisition of professional skills and instruments that can be put into practice right away.


There is no specific requirement to apply for the “Discovery” training program, no need for a specific degree or specific studies or competences. This is what we call and Open class course but with a restricted number of admissions.


The course will have a duration of 6 days, for a total of about 36 hours. Training will be held at the weekend, usually on Saturday and attendance is compulsory. We have a restricted admission quota and a maximum class size of 20. At the end of the training program, there will be a final test usually a report or a paper.

training program Knowhow Franchising - Focus


The main target of the training programs “Focus” is the acquisition of specialist skills and knowledge in specific areas. The Focuses are 6, covering six different subject franchising related. Two are Open classes and four have an Admission test (see Requirements)


To apply for the Focus training programs you will have to pass an entrance test. We will evaluate your level of comprehension that is necessary to investigate specific issues. This entrance test will not evaluate your knowledge on the specific subject but the minimum necessary knowledge background that will allow you to gain the maximum training results.


The courses will cover 6 specific topics, that, as a whole, do reflect the complete development path of a franchise. Each “Focus” has a different duration (from a minimum of 30 to a maximum of 60 hours training) that will take place during the week. Classes size is smaller than the other programs, with a maximum enrollment of 15. Courses will end with a final test, which will vary depending on the chosen training program.


The Magister training programs are educational and professional learning paths marked with a character of scientific improvement and high permanent education implications and they provide a full range of practical knowledge, skills, and abilities.


Being a permanent training program, no specific requirement is needed. However, admission is reserved for a narrow number of participants. Therefore the applications will have to comply with the eligibility criteria and will be the subject of in-depth evaluations. 


It will be an intense program designed to make you know, think, act, and behave as a franchise Expert. It will last for about 3 months and is divided into two steps: preparatory and major. Depending on your goals, you can choose between three different majors: Franchisor, Franchise Manager or International Franchise Consultant. The educational trail will bring you through classrooms, seminars and practical activities. If provided, you will have the change to apply for an internship.

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