Franchise Recruitment: the answers to most of your questions

Franchise recruitment and development is the critical component of expanding a business using franchising as a growth strategy. The question we keep hearing is, “How do we recruit better and more qualified candidates?” As franchisors seek eligible, competent, franchisees to increase their businesses, they realize that the strategies for success used in the 20th Century…

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Training Guarantees Success

Training Guarantees Success but not everybody is up-to-date. With the widespread use of technology in the twenty first century, franchise recruitment has changed drastically. Potential franchisees research possible franchise opportunities on the internet. How do you grant franchises to excellent candidates? For franchisors, the whole way of choosing qualified candidates has also changed.  Choosing the…

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What is a Franchise?

“A franchise is a business that you see in different cities. They are recognizable because their signs and colors are the same.” “A franchise is a type of business that is the same everywhere you go.” “McDonald’s is a franchise. So are KFC and Burger King.” Those answers are all correct. But, there’s more to…

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What is Franchising?

What is Franchising? It’s the same old question. Franchising has been around for centuries and has been used in numerous industries. The main problem people in the franchise community face, is the misconceptions others create about the business strategy. Many think that when you are a franchisee that you are “buying a franchise.” To be…

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